
Some of us do it for pleasure, some of us do it for other reasons. One thing is certain, though, we all listen to music. However, music is not always beneficial for the job at hand. That’s why it’s good to know how to match the music to the task you’re doing, and when you’re better off working in silence.


Check out: Do You Listen to Music While Working? Here’s What It Does to Your Brain (and It’s Pretty Awesome)



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  • enrich – improve or enhance the quality or value of.
  • stomach (verb) – endure or accept (an obnoxious thing or person)
  • odd – different to what is usual or expected; strange
  • hinder – make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen
  • overwhelm – have a strong emotional effect on
  • crank up the volume = increase the volume


Think about it

Answer the questions below.

  • Why isn’t music beneficial for your brain when you’re learning?
  • If you still want to listen to music while learning, what kind of music should you choose?
  • What happens to your brain in a noisy environment?
  • In what way is music beneficial for you when your performing a repetitive task?
  • Should you listen to the music you already know? Or should you discover new songs at work?


Practice makes perfect

Fill in the blank spaces with the missing words. Use ONE word per blank space.

Various studies have indicated that, ________ general, people ________ listened to music while they worked on repetitive tasks performed faster and made ________ errors. These results occur because music you like triggers the release of feel-good neurotransmitters ________ as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, which help you feel relaxed and happy and, therefore, focus better. This is true even when ________ task you’re doing is complex–surgeons routinely listen to music in the operating room specifically because it relieves the stress that could compromise their focus and performance. An improved mood from music also affects ________ you interact with your coworkers. ________ you feel better, you usually are more respectful, patient and cooperative, which can lead ________ better teamwork.


Fill in the blank spaces with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL LETTERS.

________ LEARN requires your brain to ________ ANALYSIS and remember instructions/facts. When music is on, however, your brain has to process ________ AUDIO data on top of processing the instructions/facts. Because of this multitasking, the brain can interpret the instructions/facts ________ PROPER, either associating them in odd ways or making ________ MISTAKE about what’s important enough to store. Thus, if you have to learn something at work, it’s best to turn off your music, ________ SPECIAL if you’re learning verbally or through reading and the music has lyrics.


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