
Today, customers can interact with companies in more ways than ever, across unique channels, devices, and time zones. A customer might see a company’s ad, visit their website, browse their products, read customer reviews, and go on their way—all without speaking to a single human. While technology and automation have unquestionably improved our lives, they’ve also made the modern customer experience much noisier. Countless customer interactions happen around the clock, and many fly below the radar.





Link to the original GetFeedback Vimeo video: https://vimeo.com/235574440



  • to fly below the radarto go without being noticed, detected, or addressed
  • opinionated – holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one’s own opinions
  • around the clock – all day and all night
  • seamless – smooth and continuous, with no apparent gaps or spaces between one part and the next
  • rep short for “representative”
  • to measure up (to sth)to be good enough, or as good as someone or something else
  • gap – a difference, especially an undesirable one, between two views or situations
  • blind spot – an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality
  • to sap – gradually weaken or destroy
  • retention (rate) – the ratio of the number of retained customers to the number at risk
  • pitfall – a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty
  • insight – an accurate and deep understanding
  • to streamline sth – make (an organization or system) more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods
  • to empower – make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights
  • to cultivate – try to acquire or develop (a quality or skill)
  • a leg up – an act of helping someone or something to improve their situation

Watch and listen

Answer the questions below.

  • How are modern customers different and what do they expect? (00:01)
  • What is customer experience (CX)? (00:30)
  • What is the difference between CEO perception and customer reality? (00:40)
  • Are most companies meeting expectations? (00:55)
  • How can companies avoid the consequences of negative CX? (01:15)


Practice Makes Perfect


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given in bold after the blank. Go to: https://www.getfeedback.com/blog/great-customer-experience-video/ to find out more.


Bain & Company once 1________ (survey) 362 companies, and 80% said they delivered a “superior customer experience.” But according to their customers, only 8% really did. In this age of hyperconnectivity, brands can engage their customers in more ways than ever, yet they’re 2_______ (fail) to meet their needs.


We tend to agree with this Harvard Business Review assessment, which 3__________ (emphasize) that customer experience doesn’t begin or end with one business function. It’s the sum of all touchpoints and interactions that occur throughout a customer’s relationship with your brand, including the pre-sale period. For 4______ (good) or 5_____ (bad), each one of these micro-experiences impacts the outcome of that customer relationship.

Where does customer experience begin and end?

McKinsey found that 6___________ (consistent) is the key to happy customers. By and large, companies that deliver consistent experiences throughout the customer journey see higher customer satisfaction rates, increased revenue, and decreased overhead. So how do you get there?

5 steps to a great customer experience

Every brand may be different, but customers generally want and expect the same things. Here are five steps you can take today to improve customer experience in the long run.

1. 7______ (definition) your customer experience.

2. 8_______ (exam) your customers’ 9________ (evolution) needs.

3. 10________ (identification) your biggest customer painpoints.

4. 11_________ (priority) customer experience improvements.

5. Make gradual, measurable changes.



As customers, we have 12_______ (end) options. If a company isn’t meeting our needs, it’s pretty easy to find an alternative. Sometimes all it takes is a Google search.

For companies, that means there’s more opportunity than ever to gain and lose customers rapidly. It’s not about price or product either. Customers are shopping for better experiences—for companies that understand their needs, make their lives easier, and treat them like actual humans. When companies prioritize the experiences they’re delivering, they’re already leagues ahead of their competitors.



1. surveyed  2. failing  3. emphasizes  4. better  5. worse  6. consistency  7. define  8. examine  9. evolving  10. identify  11. prioritize  12. endless


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