
Even though for a lot of people meetings are synonymous with wasting time, they are an indelible part of corporate life. Meetings can be productive, enlightening and, well, entertaining – the thing is that the art of conducting them is still impenetrable to many.

Take a look at these 6 tips on how to make your meetings cool.

6 Easy Ways to Make Meetings Fun — Or At Least, Not Suck






Think about it

 Answer the questions below.

  • Which parts of meeting are the most significant?
  • Should you always mirror the moods of other participants?
  • Why reading the agenda doesn’t seem to be the best way to start a meeting?
  • What is the best way to make sure that people know what actions need to be taken after the meeting?
  • What does it mean that you should “start where you began?” (Step 6)


Practice makes perfect

Fill in the blank spaces with the missing words. Use ONE word in each gap. 

Don’t get ________ focused on the minutia of a meeting that you forget to step back and see the big picture. Remind everyone they are working towards ________ higher purpose and ________ just clocking meeting minutes. How ________ this meeting fit into the overall vision? How will this help the company? How will it benefit the team? How will the discussion move things forward? You will get more engagement ________ everyone sees the bigger picture.


Fill in the blank spaces with the words in bold.

up   –   of   –   on (x 2)  –   around 

Recognition is an important part ________ building a positive culture. It’s easy to get caught ________ with deadlines and think there will be high-fives and group hugs when everything is done, but that rarely happens. Once one item is complete, another is right ________ the corner.

Recognition and praise should be ________ your mental checklist for every meeting. You can always find somebody doing something right. Just mention it. Saying, “I’m loving the go-get-’em attitude Janice!” or “Thank you for your thoughtful contributions today Charlie,” can really go a long way. It’s important to leave the meeting ________ a positive note.

Explore it more
