
Not everyone is cut out for being an entrepreneur, but each organization has its own intrapreneurs. They are the ones who are willing to go out of their way to turn an idea into a profitable finished product or service while working for that particular organization.

How to recognize such individuals? How to make them stay and help them make use of their talent for the benefit of the entire organization?

Check out: Recognize Intrapreneurs Before They Leave







  • execute – carry out or put into effect 
  • maverick – an unorthodox or independent-minded person
  • inertia – a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged
  • unbearable – not able to be endured or tolerated
  • naysay – say no to; deny or oppose
  • exude – display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly
  • outcompete – surpass (someone) in competition


Think about it

Answer the questions below.

  • What is “the real issue” for many CEOs?
  • Why are intrapreneurs better than others for the transformation of a company?
  • Why do many intrapreneurs actually leave their companies?
  • What is greenhousing?
  • What type of behavior is typically associated with successful corporate innovators?


 Practice makes perfect

Fill in the blank spaces with the missing articles if necessary. Then take a look at your answers and compare them with the original text. Explain your decisions and think of the author’s rationale.


Any CEO can tell you that finding ideas is not [. . .] always ____ problem. ____ real issue is selecting and spreading _____ best ideas, testing quickly, and executing flawlessly. ____ “innovation engine” is an organization’s capability to think and invest in long-term opportunities along with ____ competence to drive continuous innovations for ____ top-line growth each year.


Fill in the blank spaces with the missing words. You can use ONE word per blank space. Once you do it and check your answers with the original text, use the structures you’ve completed in your own sentences.


Many senior leaders, surprisingly, are actually afraid ____ promote out-of‐ the‐box thinking ____ fear of losing their best employees ____ success and then to competitors; this is a sure sign ____ failed leadership.

Tomas Chamorro‐Premuzic argues that 70% of successful entrepreneurs got their business idea while working ____ a previous employer. These talented individuals left because the environment did not have an intrapreneurial process to pitch their ideas–and their bosses were unbearable. We find that smart people leave companies to start their own ventures because their firms did not believe ____ intrapreneurship ____ a critical tool ____ growth.


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