

Dr. Laura Trice muses on the power of the magic words “thank you” — to deepen a friendship, to repair a bond, to make sure another person knows what they mean to you. Try it.



Watch the video and decide if the sentences below are true or false?



1. The speaker has always been comfortable expressing gratitude and receiving praise.

2. The speaker works in a rehab facility but does not interact with people facing life-threatening situations.

3. A man, married for a quarter of a century, desires to hear his wife appreciate his role as the breadwinner but refrains from requesting it.

4. The speaker believes that praise does not need to be genuine.

5. The speaker’s friend, April, thinks her children earn gratitude for completing their chores.

6. The speaker is not interested in challenging the audience.

7. Even if no one has expressed it before, you have performed exceptionally well.


Key: 1. False; 2. False; 3. True; 4. False; 5. T; 6. False; 7. True



  • to muse – to think about something carefully and for a long time
  • to long for – to have a very strong desire or yearning for someone or something
  • warp – the heavy threads used to reinforce the rubber in the casing of a pneumatic tyre



Practice makes perfect

Word formation: Change the word in CAPITALS to fill in the blanks.

In what cannot be a surprise to anyone, Taylor Swift’s latest album, The Tortured Poets Department, continues to make history. On Sunday, it debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 charts, making it her 14th album to do so–a record for a solo act that she now shares with Jay-Z.

It’s a remarkable 1. …………. [ACHIEVE] when you consider that every single one of Swift’s albums, with the 2. ……….. [EXCEPT] of her self-titled debut, reached the top spot. (…)

Despite the fact that some 3. …………… [REVIEW] gave it less than 4. …………… [ENTHUSIASM] reviews, fans seem to be very happy with the album. That is, of course, the most important thing for Swift. Better than almost any other brand, Swift knows her fans and consistently gives them exactly what they want. It’s how she has created for herself such a loyal audience.

In response, Swift posted her thoughts on social media, including two words that I think should be a lesson for us all:

“My mind is 5. ………. [BLOW],” Swift wrote. “I’m completely floored by the love you’ve shown this album. 2.6 million ARE YOU ACTUALLY SERIOUS?? Thank you for listening, streaming, and welcoming Tortured Poets into your life. Feeling completely overwhelmed.(…)

I think everyone can understand why Swift might be “completely overwhelmed.” That’s a natural reaction to this sort of thing. It’s not every day that you launch a No. 1 album–for the 14th time in a row. Never mind that Swift wrote and recorded the entire thing while planning and performing her record-setting concert tour. To say she’s overwhelmed actually seems like an 6. ……………….. [UNDERSTATE]. (…)

But, as I read her tweet, I was more struck by two words right there in the middle: “Thank you.” You see, despite the fact that Swift has made history, she’s pointing her 7. …………….. [GRATEFUL] back toward her fans, thanking them for making it possible.

It’s such a 8. ………….. [POWER] example of emotional intelligence because–in a moment when it would be easy to celebrate your 9. …………………. [ACCOMPLISH], Swift is instead celebrating and thanking her fans. She’s sharing her gratitude for their 10. ………….[LOYAL]. (…)

Honestly, I think the real lesson here is that everyone could learn to say thank you a little more. We could all use a little more gratitude in our lives, and the people around us could stand to hear us say those two words more often.


Key: 1. achievement; 2. exception; 3. reviewers; 4. enthusiastic’ 5. blown; 6. understatement; 7. gratitude; 8. powerful; 9. accomplishments; 10. loyalty

In order to read the whole article, go to: https://www.inc.com/jason-aten/taylor-swift-just-made-history-her-2-word-response-is-a-brilliant-example-of-emotional-intelligence



  • Do you think you thank people enough for what they do for you?
  • How do you feel about the idea of telling your partner/children to show their gratitude for something you’ve done for them?
  • How do you feel about the journaling exercise in which a person writes down three things for which he or she is grateful every day?
  • Do you think celebrating the good things in life may bolster immune system function and increase feelings of well-being?



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