
Cliches are rarely seen as valuable signposts on the way to success or happiness. And yet they are nothing else but well tested, often foolproof, ways of doing things right. Right? Yes, right!

After all it may not be such a bad idea to dust off some of them and see how a cliche can help us cope.


Check out: 3 Clichés to Live By






  • cliche – a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought
  • compile – produce (something, esp. a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other sources
  • net – acquire or obtain as if with a net
  • scatter – throw in various random directions
  • uncharted – (of an area of land or sea) not mapped or surveyed
  • unanimous – (of two or more people) fully in agreement
  • reservations – a qualification to an expression of agreement or approval; a doubt
  • proselytize – convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another
  • disruptive – interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem



Think about it

 Are the statements below true or false?

  • Choosing well-trodden paths is never a bad idea.
  • Capital seeking individuals are always advised to make their search as broad as possible.
  • All innovations need to be preceded by extensive research and rule preparation.
  • Seasoned professionals with a lot of experience in a given field are always the best source of advice about new businesses.


Practice makes perfect


Rewrite the sentences in bold so that their meaning remains unchanged. Check your answers with the original article.


Cliches usually have a little truth in them.

………………………………………….contain a grain……………………………………..



People tend to build a short list around brand name firms [ . . .]

There is ………………………………………………. around brand name firms.



Ultimately they are going to get the content owners to cooperate.

[E]ventually…………………………………………………………. ball.



We called 10 people in the industry to learn their opinion about the company’s service. 

We called 10 people …………………………………….take on the company’s service.



Wilson suggests that there is a chance that his own proselytizing was the exact reason why they changed their minds.

Wilson suggests that his own proselytizing may ……………………………….. thing that changed their minds.


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